EARTH MAMA follows Gia, a young mother with two children in foster care, and one on the way. When her caseworker warns Gia that the judge will likely place her unborn child into care as well, Gia must determine how she can take back control of her children’s future. In this vicious system, Gia sees adoption as the only way to choose her child’s destiny. Unique, yet undoubtedly familiar to many, the film is a story on fear, sacrifice and the unconditional love between a mother and her children.
Director/Writer/Producer: Savanah Leaf
Production Companies: A24, Park Pictures, Academy Films
Producers: Cody Ryder, Shirley O'Connor, Sam Bisbee, Danielle Massie, Medb Riordan, Jim Wilson
Casting Directors: Geraldine Baron, Salome Oggenfuss, Abby Harri
Festivals: Sundance Film Festival 2023
Reviews: INDIEWIRE + W Magazine + Hollywood Reporter + Variety