

Casting commercial campaign for Zales. We’re looking to cast a diverse range of characters with an elevated sense of personality and styling!

Project: Zales Campaign 2025
Director: Marie Schuller
Production Company: RSA Films
Casting by: Casting Double
Union: Non-Union
Shoot Location: Toronto (Canada)
Casting Region: NYC (all travel expenses for NYC talent shooting in Toronto to be covered by production)
Shoot Dates: Feb 10-12 TBD (1-3 days per talent TBD)
Fitting Date: Fitting: Feb 7-8 
Talent Rates:

Casting On-Camera Principals:
Session (inclusive of shoot, travel, fitting and down days) $750.00 USD per one (1) ten (10) hour session, inclusive of Performer participating in both commercial production and still photography production. OT at $112.50 USD per one (1) hour, only if applicable.
$750.00 USD per travel day.
$750.00 USD per wardrobe fitting day.
$750.00 USD per one down day.

BUYOUT FEE $5,000.00 USD for a buyout of the Materials (Commercial(s) and Still Photograph(s)) to be used in the Media and Territory during the Term, only if Performer appears in the final Materials. +10% to extend the Term for one (1) additional consecutive year for the Materials (Commercial(s) and Still Photograph(s)) to be used in the Media and Territory, only if Performer appears in the final Materials.

$3,500.00 USD for Option Media, only if Client executes the addition of OOH and print (e.g. printed publications) uses in North America.

*all fees +20% Agent Fee, only if applicable

- Anthem :60/:30/:15/:15/:06/:06 and any edits, lifts, versions thereof (including but not limited to two (2) social-first assets; promotional edits, and Spanish-language versions)

- Mother’s Day :15/:06 and any edits, lifts, versions thereof (including but not limited to one (1) social-first asset; one (1) product-focused gift guide; promotional edits, and Spanish-language versions)

- Bridal :15/:06 and any edits, lifts, versions thereof (including but not limited to one (1) social-first asset; one (1) product-focused gift guide; promotional edits, and Spanish-language versions)

Still Photograph(s)
- 12x Evergreen (including 1x graduation prop)
- 8x Bridal
- 3x Hero Mother’s Day
- 3x Hero Father’s Day

For broadcast TV, connected TV (CTV):
- North America (including its territories, commonwealths, possessions)
For internet (including E-commerce), new media (including digital, social media and digital out-of-home (DOOH)), industrial (including but not limited to retail/in-store digital and print) and PR/events:
- Worldwide
- Limited to North America (including its territories, commonwealths, possessions), when paid media is applied

- one (1) year from Client’s first date of public use
- in perpetuity from Client’s first date of public use for archival in-feed social media posts

Option Term:
- one (1) additional consecutive year 
Exclusive Category:
- Excluded

Please click on the link below to apply - it will only take a few minutes! We look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!


Casting On-Camera Principals:

[COOL YOUNG PERSON] All genders, All ethnicities, Ages 20-40s. Authentic, great cinematic presence, unique personality and sense of style. Likeable and radiates an infectious energy. Diversity in body type, gender, age and ethnicity, and also in personal style.

[MAN WITH DAD] Male. Mixed Race/Hispanic. Ages 30s-50s. Authentic, unique, great cinematic presence. He is an interesting juxtaposition of elements - He looks like someone who works with his hands, yet he’s polished like his diamonds. A serious-looking face that quickly breaks into a playful grin. The look of someone who lived through many stories. Body wise, preference for a strong build (but doesn’t need to be overtly muscular). Must feel comfortable being around dogs.

* All talent should provide images of their hands and neckline, and ears. Plus information about ear piercings, if any.

* Performers must sign a Tattoo Release for any tattoo(s) of Performer’s used.